Career Profile

Technology enthusiast, I enjoy working on complex problems involving physics and programming.


MSc in Aeronautic Engineering

2012 - 2014
Toulouse, France

During my years in this institute, I fueled my passion for everything able to fly. I obtained my Private Pilot License, thanks to funds from the University. I also joined the Micro-UAV club where I learnt how to make my own quadcopter, spending so many nights trying to control it properly. These sides projects helped me to establish a clear sense of the high quality courses I was taught. During the second year, I specialized in automatics and left for a double degree in Milan.

MSc in Control System Design

2014 - 2016
Milan, Italy


System Engineer

Aug 2017 - Present

During my two years as a control systems engineer and developer, I had the unique opportunity to get involved in the development of the new eBeeX. In particular, I was responsible to stabilize its flight during the early stage of the project. During this stage I learnt a lot in embedded programming, as well as in data analysis.
After that I managed to give some help to improve our code quality, improving code architecture and working on some continuous integrations improvements.

Consulting engineer

Jan 2017 - Aug 2017

I gave my help to organize and manage electric ground tests on three test campaigns. After these tests, I was in charge of analyzing measured data and produced some reports resuming my analysis.


I started getting involved in some projects aiming to improve signal processing and control theory support in Python

python-control - I participated in the development of the python control library in the second semester of the 2018. This library is a valuable alternative to the Control Toolbox of Matlab, meant to design the control laws of physical systems. Some of the contributions are the integration of the pep recommendations and the improvement of the robustness and testability of the library.
sippy - I am currently involved in the development of this new Python library for system identification. Its main goal is to provide an alternative to the System Identification Toolbox of Matlab.
limbo - I wrote a small UAV simulator in python, starting from a deprecated OSS project. This project is functional and allows to design control laws for small fixedwing UAVs.
hummingbird - This is a light-weight UAV simulator, that I wrote in python. This project is inspired by the work of Prof. R. Beard and Prof. R. McLain from the Princeton University, who formalized the physical description and the control laws of a UAV. The goal is to provide support for system identification, MIMO control, RC piloting and add tests and documentation to make the simulator usable by the large public.

Skills & Proficiency

Signal processing & Data analysis

Python programming (Core, Numpy, Scipy, Panda, Plotly & Dash)

C++ programming (Qt as main framework)

Control theory

Continuous integration (Git, Docker, Jenkins, Conan)